We provide world-class information security solutions to protect your business. To do so, we are partnering with top technology vendors in the world such as Teramind, Inpedio, TrapX, etc.

We specialize both in Information Security and in Cyber Security.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, or whether its annual revenue places it on the Fortune 500 list, if you are running an enterprise, it makes you become a potential target of cybercrime. It’s as simple as that.

The problem is many enterprises don’t even seem to realize or worse, in many cases, ignore this fact. Instead of getting prepared to guard against the multitude of threats out there, they simply tend to operate in a mode of futile rationalizing; “we are not a big enough business anyway and don’t represent the kind of target that would be lucrative to hackers”. These are the types of excuses that organizations fall back on to justify inaction. However, such approach is nothing but a recipe for major disaster. In fact, companies should stop making excuses and start focusing on building the best cybersecurity plan for them.

Increasing volume and sophistication of cyber security threats – including targeting phishing scams, data theft, and other online vulnerabilities – demand that we remain vigilant about securing our systems and information.

An average unprotected computer (with no proper security controls in place), when connected to the Internet can be compromised in moments. Thousands of infected web pages are being discovered every day. Hundreds of millions of records have been involved in data breaches. New attack methods are launched continuously. These are just a few examples of the threats facing us, and they highlight the importance of information security as a necessary approach to protecting data and systems.

Security Partners

We proudly present best-in-class security partners to protect your business


Teramind Inc.

Complete User Activity Monitoring. Secure and protect your company from insiders and workforce-related threats.

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Mantu Mobile Ltd

The World's most secure Peer-2-Peer messaging platform.

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Mobile protection against malware attacks, traffic manipulations and interception.

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TrapX Security

The solution rapidly detects, analyzes and defeats new zero-day, targeted attacks, and malicious insiders.

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