Monitor and record all user activity in real-time

Live View & History Playback

All user activity on desktops, servers, and thin clients is captured live and dutifully recorded. History playback allows for every event to be instantly retrieved and viewed with the click of a mouse.

Smart Rules & Automated Alerts

When a user violation is triggered, an alert, containing both snapshots and a live feed, is sent out to the predetermined administrator accounts for actions to be taken.

Comprehensive Dashboards & Reporting

An all-encompassing dashboard sorts invaluable information into widgets that display data through textual and visual means. Everything from productivity to application usage for specific users can be viewed directly on the dashboard.

Remote Control

Overtake a desktop by blocking a user's ability to input commands. Manual overrides can be performed entirely through the dashboard and from any device.

Track everything that happens on a user's computer

Website Monitoring & Activity Tracking

Every URL that a user types and every individual web page that is accessed are actively monitored and logged based on potential threats.

Applications Monitoring

All activity that takes place within an application is visually captured by the software, with individual keystrokes and other actions recorded in textual logs.

Email Monitoring

All emails that are sent or received through the system, whether through business software or public services like Gmail and Yahoo, are closely monitored and assessed based on set alerts.

File Transfers Monitoring

Whenever a download or upload command is entered, the origin of the file and its destination are recorded, regardless of the file's location on the internet or within an organization's system.

Keystroke Logger

Whether a key is pressed, a mouse is clicked, or a command is entered, even the minutest of actions are vigilantly monitored for possible threats.

Printed Document Tracking

Current and past printing requests are not only viewable based on time and status, but the exact content of each document is viewable through the dashboard.

Set work schedules, manage your users' activity, analyze expenses and productivity

Employee Productivity Analysis

Track an employee's productivity as a standalone entity based on previous work and shifts, or compare performance to those in different teams and departments.

Payroll Tracking & Analysis

View shifts and tasks based on allotted funds to break down payroll by tasks completed and employees utilized.

Template-based Scheduling

Schedules can be created and implemented entirely within the software to keep employees motivated and project budgets within set boundaries.

Departments & Projects

Search within the software for employees and various data by departments, teams, and individual projects to maximize work efficiency.

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